Sedatives / Hypnotics

This includes drugs like benzodiazepines (Ativan, valium, clonazepam), “Z Drugs” (zopiclone, zolpidem), and other sedative hypnotics like GHB and barbiturates which are less common.

Becoming dependent on these medications is common these days, and often initially begin in an attempt to improve sleep. Tolerance often results, with an escalating dose being required to attain the same effects. Weaning is difficult as insomnia is often times a trigger for relapse and is by itself a significant stressor.

Ultimately, treatment for dependence can only happen when an individual has invested substantial time and energy learning skills to help him or her activate their relaxation system, such as through mindfulness and progressive muscle relaxation practices. The root cause of why sleep is inadequate in the first place is key, and often times goes deeper than simply poor sleep hygene. We can help you with this assessment and begin developing taper regimens that are slow enough to allow meaningful learning and the practice of new skills.

We must be patient as sometimes it can take months or even years to come fully off these medicines. Too quick of a taper can result in relapse and more unwillingness to try again, so close medical supervision is helpful.