
Alcohol, after caffeine and tobacco is the most commonly abused substance in the world. Most people know someone who struggles with this. People can go for decades without experiencing negative medical side effects, but often times the signs of psychological dysfunction are present early on.

Attempting to quit using alcohol can be intimidating. People in your social circle or your spouse may ask you why you may not be able to simply cut down. There is often a lot of shame and guilt involved, as well as fear for the future. Some people drink, and get medically quite ill if they stop and for this reason persist in drinking.

We will support you through this transition in a holistic manner.

Treatment begins with a medically supervised detox. Depending on your individual situation, we will after our assessment and provide advice for how to proceed. Some people need to be admitted to a hospital or a facility to manage their detox. Many are able to do it safely in the community under medical supervision.

After detoxing, we will begin the work of holistic recovery. Some people who are in unstable social situations, such as homelessness or a highly toxic home environment, need a period of residential treatment.

There are medications available to assist with stopping alcohol, which include the anticraving medication (Naltrexone), Disulfiram (which makes you sick if you drink with it in your system) and Acamprosate. There are some off label drugs also available if you do not have coverage. Not everyone requires these medications, and we are happy to help you decide if these are right for your situation.