
Holistic Recovery for all


NAM will serve as a catalyst for healing individuals and communities. The blocks that prevent healing often stem from long chains of intergenerational complex trauma wounding, producing an immense burden of addiction and/or mental health symptoms. NAM envisions a future where people are connected to their true identity and purpose, and where communities of such people will look after communities, including the vulnerable, downtrodden and marginalized. NAM will bring comprehensive awareness, transformative tools, technology and knowledge and resources to heal the barriers blocking people and communities, and the organizations that serve them, from Holistic Recovery for All.


Catalyst Culture

A catalyst transforms through its very presence. NAM as an organizational catalyst requires that all aspects of NAM individually be continually evolving into catalysts themselves. We adopt a coaching paradigm - for self and others. Coaching will be the common language of communication at NAM, internally and externally. All of our staff and volunteers will learn to receive and provide coaching, both for those for seniors and juniors. In a catalyst, the whole is as important as the individual, and the individual is as important as the whole; and so everyone has something valuable to contribute and through coaching we will all be able to function in our unique potential. Self therapy is the constant refinement of one’s self as a catalyst, and at NAM we need everyone to participate.

Some qualities of a Catalyst are: truthfulness, fearlessness, no hatred, belief in a human’s unlimited potential, creative, love for self and others, humble and willing to unlearn unhealthy habits and relearn healthy ones.


Seva goes beyond volunteering. It translates from Gurmukhi to “selfless service”, and is at the essence of how a catalyst functions. Just its presence causes change to occur, without needing anything in return. Seva can only be inspired, never forced. NAM needs the Seva of all those involved in it, whether they are patients, families/friends, volunteers, staff or leadership.

Win-Win Confidence

At NAM we know that there is a win-win to be had in every decision, big or small; if it is not apparent we simply wait and continue our self therapy process until it manifest. At NAM we make decisions for the highest good of all, and transcend the energetically inefficient mentalities of “win-lose” or “lose-win” both internally to our organization and externally to the broader society of people and organizations. NAM does not believe we have competitors; only collaborators-in-waiting. As such, NAM believes humans are far more than ‘resources’, and does not have an Human Resources (HR) department. NAM has a Win-Win office.

Radical Willingness to Innovate

As insulin transformed the care of diabetes, NAM will relentlessly develop interventions and conceptualization (also known as tools and maps) to dissolve blocks that keep humanity from realizing Holistic Recovery for All. These blocks are often spoken of in addiction, mental health, and chronic pain afflicting individuals and families; however at NAM though we recognize communicative value of labels, we operate on a treatment paradigm that can heal transdiagnostically by affecting root cause, such as trauma and the bio-psycho-social-spiritual determinants of health.

This quality goes beyond patient care; it extends to how we conduct our work - every role has the opportunity for out of the box thinking, whether it is the president, director, administrative staff, recovery coach or volunteer. No matter where we fit, are we dreaming big? Are we radically willing to innovate to achieve>10x better at <1/10th the cost?

We have a high bar for the conceptualizations and interventions we develop and use at NAM, and the criteria we use to vet success is:

  • Simple can be taught to a layperson, and practiced independently by people at home

  • No or low cost

  • Can capture the interest of who is skeptical

  • Amenable to “self multiplication” such as being teachable in a video on youtube

  • Based in self therapy

  • Unlimited thinking

    • Transdiagnostic application beyond traditional labels of addiction, mental health and chronic pain

    • Intersectoral, combining different theories of understanding that span the bio-psycho-social-spiritual continuum (such as the many fields of psychology, neurology, physics, bioengineering, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, spirituality and religion)

  • Usable in the most challenging population

  • Easily integrated into different languages and cultures

  • Holistic in nature

  • Focused on dissolving blocks that prevent effective self therapy

  • Get stronger the more they are used with no side effects and unlimited growth potential through practice

  • Permanence - any progress or effort made cannot become undone through cessation of activity or relapse to previous pattern of being

  • Compatible with mainstream existing solutions (i.e. can be added on top of other therapies)

  • Integrate crisis stabilization and recovery coaching

Data Driven

Drastically better outcomes are the only things that shift established systems of care. At NAM we will produce evidence of >10x better outcomes at <1/10th the cost, and will make the necessary investments to maintain a data culture of excellence. Skeptics make the best converts, and therefore we will welcome skepticism as an opportunity.


True innovation requires independence from pressures of fund-seeking. We believe in delivering value for investment, and that better is possible with less. We will work towards cultivating publicly funded agreements and social enterprise, in addition to fundraising, to create sustainability in the delivery of our Mission.