Behavioural Addiction

Behavioral addiction is in fact a component of most substance use patterns. It is often times under-recognized as it is often times normalized or even celebrated in society, such as addiction involving exercise or workaholism. Unfortunately these behaviours can continue to activate and reinforce structurally dysfunctional neuropathways of the brain, and keep the addictive circuits active. Ignoring the behavioural components of addiction can set back your recovery substantially, and persistent self defeating tendencies left unaddressed can increase your risk of relapse and even suicide.

The disease of addiction must be defined for everyone individually. As you progress in recovery, you will find that you have greater awareness of your addictive tendencies. You might begin to ask yourself what your motives are in engaging with certain activities that stimulate reward, relief from emotions or facilitate escape from having to feel your feelings.

At NAM, we will coach you to become more aware of your tendencies so that you can have a more complete recovery, with a lower risk of relapse.

Behavioral addiction can be anything done when your motives are reward, relief or escape, and may involve: Sex (pornography, masturbation, sex outside committed relationships etc), gambling, shopping, workaholism, internet, food-based coping, self harm, unnecessary risk taking, stealing and others