Our Approach


The Recovery Diamond

We holistically address the biological, psychological, social and spiritual facets of addiction, mental health and chronic pain. We capture this model in what we call the Recovery Diamond. Optimizing each facet targets both the superficial cognitive and the deeper metacognitive processes that combine to give rise to self defeating habits and behavior. Profound shifts in perspective are possible in this model, and if you authentically engage you will find that you simply cease, without any mental infighting, to engage in the behaviour.


Focus on Holistic Treatment

In the Recovery Diamond model, the recovery efforts that you choose fall into the biological, psychological and social realm. Change requires a powerful motivation that is often lacking in mental illness; so these actions are supported by the spiritual component, which is all about cultivating a relationship with yourself (“self love”). This approach differs from many current treatment approaches to addiction, which focus on a particular substance or behaviour.

Without a holistic approach, patients can generally maintain short to medium term abstinence either by “white knuckling it” or by shifting one behavior for another, for example trading alcoholism for workaholism. However, because the underlying issues are not addressed, relapse is much more common, as the fundamental stressors still remain (due to diminished recognition of problems in relationships and emotional dysregulation).

Following a holistic assessment, diagnoses will be established and a complete treatment plan will be made, and then worked on. Our goal is to promote self efficacy in treatment, and not to make the patient dependent on our therapy services. We will follow as long as it is beneficial to do so and for as long as necessary; for some this may involve life long treatment.

All services are offered in English and Punjabi. At NAM Centre for Holistic Recovery, we recognize that addiction and mental health is a disease that affects families. Families are therefore a key part of the solution, and we will engage family as much as possible to develop sustainable recovery.

YouTube Channel

Need more information on our approach? Check out our videos on YouTube “NAM Recovery” channel

NAM Recovery videos