You can download the IFSP brochure here


Addiction and mental health illnesses afflict not only patients, but their family and friends as well. It is difficult to watch a loved one struggle. Approximately 40% of individuals who face mental health challenges live with their families, while 75% of them have frequent contact with their families.

At NAM we believe healing happens through therapeutic communities of being. We know that families and friend circles of support can be powerful facilitators of healing in their loved one. At NAM we coach families and friends on how to support their loved ones and become a deeper source of healing. This ultimately makes the recovery process more efficient and saves lives, as evidence indicates their involvement is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of relapse and readmission to mental health facilities as well as other positive outcomes.


The virtual IFSP is an innovative program designed to immerse patients' family members into an experiential learning curriculum to cultivate a self-therapy practice inclusive of three elements:

  • Connect to self (i.e., achieving a state of being in which one regularly tunes into their own biological, social, psychological, and spiritual needs and responds to these pre-emptively)

  • Connect to others (i.e., being fully available to the present moment and to the shared experience we have with one another) and

  • Commit to daily practice (i.e., commit to regular practice to build confidence in one’s character and the ability to be reliable for self and others)

Participants in IFSP will learn specific skills to deepen their own healing, as well as approaches to supporting their loved one so they can heal in a deeper manner.

IFSP integrates evidence-based therapies such as, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Enhancement Therapy, with trauma therapy approaches like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), journaling, yoga and meditation, all within a safe and supportive environment of like-minded peers. Our coaching approach facilitates greater self-efficacy and in the long-term, better outcomes at a fraction of the cost of current treatment models.

 IFSP Outcomes

·        Understand the role of trauma, stress and emotions in addiction

·        Understand the role of stress and how to respond in appropriate measures with love and tough love to facilitate accelerated recovery and moving through the blocks.

·        Understand how healing occurs in a therapeutic community and how we can collaboratively move the family environment towards a healing environment

·        Skill building

o   Self-care techniques

o   Boundaries

o   Communication


The virtual IFSP is scheduled once a month over two days. Attendance on both the days are recommended

                  Friday, March 18:            5pm – 7pm

                  Saturday, March 19:        9:30am – 5pm                                                                              


Like all other programs and services provided at NAM, IFSP is also fully funded by Alberta Health Care, and participants will not be charged. For this reason we collect health care number and related information.

 For more information or to register for Intensive Family Support Program, contact us at:

Phone: (587) - 777 – 4722
